Investor Information


Our products can be a game changer in many respects and bring enormous opportunities for (sales) partners and investors.

The booming cosmetics market („Beauty & Personal Care“) in Europe alone reached a sales volume of approximately EUR 103 billion in 2021. And the trend is upward. In the already strong US market, annual sales growth of 5% is expected until 2027. Especially new, innovative products like ours are meeting with interested consumers who are looking for alternatives to conventional cosmetics. What also makes this industry exciting for market participants is that it shows an astonishing resistance to crises. In particular, skin and body care products, which are often used regardless of social distancing measures, even benefited from the pandemic period.

Are you experienced in selling cosmetic products and do you find our products exciting? Then you are very welcome to contact us. From distribution partnerships to white label solutions, many models of cooperation are conceivable.

The application in the medical field opens up undreamt-of possibilities in a worldwide, partly still completely untapped market. For example, research has been going on for several decades into how to apply vaccines via vaccine patches. Initial studies now show that administration via the skin is even more effective than intramuscular administration. In addition, the supply of vaccines to regions of the world with weak infrastructures could be significantly simplified, especially with regard to application and supply chains. In collaboration with the Technical University of Munich, we are currently working intensively on making our technology suitable for use in the medical field. Industry partnerships are just as interesting for us as cooperation with financial investors with a focus on MedTech.

Have we aroused your interest? Let’s speak then!